The Happy Couple


This is the story of us...

Jim and I met in that place where people like us meet. We met sometime in the fall of 2007. I first noticed him when I heard them talking about "the guy that ran over Roy". Roy having been someone that my mom worked with and the first person that welcomed me to the rooms.

I would just see him, off and on, at meetings and speak to him in passing. Sometimes after the Friday night meeting the group would go to dinner and we would end up sitting next to each other. Nothing special, just getting to know people a bit.

In March of 2008 we both ended up at the convention in El Paso. I could go into details about that whole situation but it's probably better that I don't. You can't take pictures when your hands are full.
"Here Jim, would you hold this?" It was so very funny!!! I will say this though, at the time I had no idea that he would be the man I would fall in with.

The way he shared attracted me. His perception on life attracted me. His recovery and spirituality attracted me. I had known him close to 18 months when I got up the nerve to ask him out. We went on our first date on October 3rd of 2008. Sometime down the road I asked him to go steady (yes, I really did).  In April 2009 he asked me if I wanted to shack up. Life with him is simply amazing.

Jim was a perfect gentleman that first night and he still his. He is easy to talk to. He has a fantastic sense of humor and makes me laugh all the time. He helps me to not take myself to seriously. He is encouraging and supportive and sweet!!! I would never have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would meet someone as wonderful as he is. What a blessing he has been in my life. He is my best friend.

I have had people tell me that it is funny to watch him and I at a social function. Arm in arm we go around harassing and talking smack to people. I just can't imagine why they would say such a thing. =)

This is a picture I snapped of him helping set up for a mutual friends wedding in April 2008. I had no idea that seven months later we would have our first date.